You’re probably reading my Rich Dad Advisor articles over the months, thinking that I must live some sort of charmed life. Every day is sublime perfection.

Like I walk out into my backyard, and my mere aura causes countless dollars to just fall out of the sky and into my open arms. All I need to do is rake them up.

Maybe it seems like what I write about, talk about, and touch looks like it comes in an entertaining, candy-coated shell.

You’re seeing my front stage, not my back stage.

Everything looks perfect, just like your ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend’s carefully coiffed hair in their Facebook Profile Photo. Well, that’s the only time their hair ever looked that way.

I’ve got my problems, just like you. They’re just different problems; no better, no worse. For starters:

  • I have a problem kicking my energy drink habit. (Sheesh, can I get anything done without them?)
  • My newly-hired newsletter editor let our latest edition be sent with some glaring errors.
  • Sure, I own million-dollar apartment buildings. Well, it was discovered that a tenant brought bedbugs into one of them, disrupting life for other tenants and creating uncertainty and untold expense to me.
  • It seems like I’ll never clear enough time to write my first book. (Plus could I ever do that without energy drinks?)

Sometimes I’m not even sure what to write to you about. It’s not like I just pensively peer out through a rain-drenched window pane for ten seconds and get a brilliant idea every time.

There’s simply not as much difference between you and I as you think. Right now, I’m adding these words to my screen. Right now, you’re reading these same words from your screen.

Anyone that tells you they don’t have problems either isn’t truthful or isn’t human.

What we’re really all doing is thinking about that “next great thing.” It’s that artificial line in the sky – a horizon line. It’s perfection.

We’ll never reach it.

If you row the boat faster, you still won’t reach the horizon line. You can’t sneak up on it in the dark either.

So don’t only ponder an imaginary horizon line – your “someday”. Keep more focus in the middle – between where you are now and where you want to be.

You shouldn’t strive for “perfect”, but only for “optimal”. Not for ideal, but real.

The “ideal” might drive your goal. It might work as a measuring stick back to where you are now. But that’s about it.

Although you’ll never reach that horizon line, it’s OK. You can still achieve enormous success. So stop feeling “not good enough.”

Feel less pressure. Because regardless, you’ll always have some problems, just like I do.

From the exterior, some look more successful than others. But everyone has problems inside.

So don’t compare your “back stage” to someone else’s “front stage”.

Sometimes the universe grants us “magic moments” in our life such that we get a mild, fleeting taste of perfection. Relish those.

Mark Twain said: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.”

Bottom line? Think progress, not perfection. Once your brain accepts this, you’ll have less emotional turmoil.

Appreciate your progress.

Here’s to your wealth and success! (If I write any more, I’ll need another energy drink.)

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