
Get Rich Education™

Real Estate Financial Freedom
5.5 million+ listens in 188 Nations​

Weekly show since 2014​

GRE has been faithfully releasing a new episode of the podcast every week since its inception.

New episodes come out every Monday.​

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Illustrious Guests​

400 weeks and running, the content catalog is getting thick—and it’s packed with guest appearances of prominent thought leaders in real estate and finance.

GRE has been honored that many of our guests return for another interview… or four. You can see episodes sorted by guest using the button below.​

Mind. Blown.​

Not only does the podcast content expand your thinking, such as with the much beloved Episode 6, but it also shows you real opportunities.

Even the advertisements are highly valuable content. GRE shares excellent, relevant opportunities with its listeners.

You can teach a man to fish, or give him fish—GRE does both.

About The Show​

Get Rich Education, by Keith Weinhold has created more financial freedom for busy people than nearly any show in the world.

Wealthy people’s money either starts out or ends up in real estate. You need to become an investor, but you can’t lose your time. Without being a landlord or flipper, you learn about strategic passive real estate investing to create generational wealth.

Show host, Keith Weinhold serves on the Forbes Real Estate Council and writes real estate investing articles for this website and others. Listeners are served actionable content, so they don’t just gain financial literacy, they can apply it to create passive cash flow.

Our bottom line in real estate investing is achieving a favorable “Return On Time Invested”.

Traditional personal finance merely helps you avoid losing. Here, you learn how and play to WIN. Don’t live below your means, grow your means!

Since 2002, international real estate investor Keith Weinhold invests in various real estate assets, from multifamily apartment buildings, to single family homes, to agricultural real estate.

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