How We Change Lives
GRE wants you to get rich. Wealth is a choice for those with the right education. Real estate is the investment vehicle that has created more million- and billionaires than anything else. It’s actually pretty simple—you don’t need much more than 4th grade math.Real estate education starts with an abundance mindset. GRE teaches the fundamentals of real estate investing, focusing on concepts such as leverage, arbitrage, and inflation. Sophisticated ideas about strategy boil down to simple axioms such as, “The active investor creates passive income, while the passive investor sells time for money.”Geographic and demographic changes move slower than the manic moves of the stock market, and GRE discusses these macro trends, for example: the best real estate geographies are in the US Midwest and South, and the Baby Boomer generation will create a surge in retirement community demand.GRE turns real estate investing into something as easy to understand as your favorite sport.Fundamental understanding of real estate investing mechanics is dynamite for financial freedom.Creating passive income parlays into meaningful outcomes: higher quality of life, freedom to persue your life purpose, your best and highest use, and more time for health, fitness, and family.Passive income. Massive outcome.
Keith Weinhold
• Active income property investor since 2002• Hosts the Get Rich Education podcast• Coined: “Real Estate Pays 5 Ways”• Member of Forbes Real Estate Council• Author: 7 Money Myths That Are Killing Your Wealth Potential (Amazon #1 Bestseller)• Founder of Get Rich Education

Why I Created GRE
Most people have heard that real estate has turned more ordinary people into millionaires and billionaires than anything else.
We show you how – exposing the wealth-building strategies that the rich use, which anyone can apply.
Learn from someone that doesn’t just teach real estate investing, but who actively invests. Even better, I successfully kept investing through the downturn of 2007–2009.
Why take effort and energy learning how to live below your means? Instead, learn how to grow your means.
Frequently Answered Questions
Have you ever asked yourself…
• How does real estate make everyday people wealthy?
• Why must I care and invest in RE to get more out of life?
• How do I make money without being a landlord or flipper?
• How can I legally never pay tax on my real estate gains?
• Do I need a lot of money to become an investor?
• How do I avoid common real estate mistakes?
• Where do I find the best properties?
• How do I get started in real estate?
• Who can I trust?