Inflation Roars On

Inflation Roars On

It’s the third month in a row that the CPI has exceeded 8%. Treasury Secretary Janet “Grandma” Yellen has already warned of “unacceptable levels of inflation”. She looks like my late Grandma Weinhold. One difference is that Grandma was...
Stocks Don’t Create Wealth

Stocks Don’t Create Wealth

I hope that this article won’t offend stock adherents. We all learn and understand the world through different lenses. I’m about to share the thought paradigm that shifted my own personal journey. Major stock indices are flirting with bear market...
The Edge of Recession

The Edge of Recession

Though it’s an increasingly germane topic, recession prospects carry wide disagreement among experts. It’s still less controversial than mask mandates, cancel culture, or the student debt crisis. So I’ll tackle it. Ya know… it’s funny how...
Interest Only Loans

Interest Only Loans

Interest-only loans are my favorite type of real estate debt. Yep, I know. It’s heretical. Some say: “What? How could you ever get a property paid off if you pay zero toward principal? Your entire payment is lost to interest every month. That’s...
Baseball Cards

Baseball Cards

I collected baseball cards as a kid. Yeah… now I know. This is one of many reasons that I couldn’t get a girlfriend in high school. But this is where I learned some of my first investment lessons, while cooler classmates had cheap Miller Lite beer...
Hoarding Houses

Hoarding Houses

What would you think if you walked into your favorite grocery store and saw that the shelves were 80% bare? It echoes in there. The shelves are only one-fifth stocked. It’s eerie. I call it “shelf awareness”. What kind of feelings does this evoke...