Rising Property Expenses

Rising Property Expenses

One key to designing an aspirational lifestyle for yourself is: “Don’t live below your means—grow your means.” For some elucidation, increasing your income deserves focus because it’s unlimited. Conversely, you can only reduce your expenses a...
Give Yourself A Raise

Give Yourself A Raise

In today’s world, some investments are trendier than espresso martinis. Others—like NFTs, metaverse real estate, MATIC tokens, and the solana blockchain—might have merit. Yet they’re either cryptic, enigmatic, or esoteric. Do you know the difference...
Accuracy Over Hyperbole

Accuracy Over Hyperbole

Real estate investors, economists, and businesses all care deeply about American job growth. Your tenant needs a job to pay the rent. After a robust GDP reading, the latest BLS Jobs Report added insult to injury for all the perma-crash bros that stoke fear in blogs,...
Why Real Estate?

Why Real Estate?

To remind ourselves why we invest in real estate, sometimes it helps to compare it to everything else. One day, I confidently strode to the counter at a small running shoe store, eager to purchase a nice pair of Salomons for $140. As the sales guy was about to ring me...
Expectations vs. Reality

Expectations vs. Reality

If you’re new here, I’m Keith. I founded Get Rich Education, host one of the longest-running and most listened-to real estate investing shows, serve on the Forbes Real Estate Council, and am a 20-year real estate investor. Fourteen months ago, I published...
Actionable Wins Now

Actionable Wins Now

Let me make you thousands of dollars on your next real estate buy. First, most people don’t do anything that moves the financial meter in their life. They try to budget. Some severely cut back. Miserly tactics like smuggling home napkins from Chipotle or saving...