Live Before You Die

Live Before You Die

Listen to the Get Rich Education podcast here or get our listener phone app: If you work for a salary or a wage, then money is an important factor in your life. So there you are, making between $60,000 and $150,000 per year. You’ve got a good home, steady employment,...
Using Your Home Like An ATM

Using Your Home Like An ATM

Should you use your home as an ATM? That is, pull out the equity and either put it in the bank or invest into more income property? Let’s summarize the pros and cons of making an equity transfer out of your home and into income properties: Pros: Diversification into...
How To Become Wealthy

How To Become Wealthy

“Get your money to work for you.” That’s the myth of the middle class. It sounds good. But it won’t create wealth. A generation of 401(k) investors have discovered that. Why doesn’t it work? Inflation, emotion, taxes, fees, and volatility....
Why Your Property Could Never Appreciate

Why Your Property Could Never Appreciate

Your property might never appreciate in value. Yet at the same time, this property can increase your affluence, even if it provides zero income or tax efficiency. All else equal, how could that be true? It’s because you are confusing appreciation with inflation....
7 Minutes To A Wealthy Mindset

7 Minutes To A Wealthy Mindset

“Being wealthy is a choice.” The first time I read this was in a Robert Kiyosaki book. I don’t actually remember which book that was, but I do remember my reaction to that statement: “That can’t be true. It’s not that simple. You can’t just choose.” That’s what I...
What’s Best? 30-Year vs. 15-Year Mortgage

What’s Best? 30-Year vs. 15-Year Mortgage

Buying a home is the one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. Its mortgage payment is often your greatest expense each month. A mortgage is your loan from the bank. Your home is the bank’s collateral. If you miss payments and default on the loan, the bank can...