After your first 10 rental properties, what comes next?
Buying more than 10 financed properties of 1-4 units often incurs an interest rate about 2% higher.
Apartment buildings of 5+ units is an option.
You can become a real estate syndicator. It is sophisticated. This means you identify a big real estate complex and attract other investors’ money to the deal.
Syndications often SEC-regulated. To attract investors, you must also build your brand.
You can be a private money lender with a stable 10% cash-on-cash return. Real estate is your collateral. See:
With agricultural real estate, the trees are the tenants. They don’t vacate the property and they’re low maintenance. The asset literally grows; land is titled to you. See:
“Family offices” manage wealth for affluent families and individuals. They might cost $1M per year, meaning you’d often need assets of $100M+.
Direct real estate investors “feel the bumps”. I recently had a truck accident-damaged property that was in disrepair for 9 months!
This year, John Burns RE Consulting predicts existing home prices to rise +8%, new homes +9%.
It took Tesla 17 years to make a profit. You often do this in 1 month with real estate.
Damion Lupo drops by with crucial eQRP updates. An eQRP lets you: invest your retirement funds in nearly anything, $58,000 annual contribution limit, no custodian, and avoid a 37% UBIT tax hit (like you have with SD-IRAs).