216: Active Real Estate Investing – Pros & Cons

Active Real Estate Investing - Pros & Cons

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

Hands-on real estate has its risks and rewards vs. passive investment. Learn about “scaling up” your portfolio into larger buildings. If you desire to build a large new construction project, you need financing, investors, contractors, and a team. Don’t do it alone. How do you afford all this? You can ethically take a Developer Fee for yourself. Our guest, Victor Menasce and I discuss the mindsets and actions around 10-plexes up to 200-unit properties. We also discuss: buying property on a corner, commercial financing, elevators & parking, new construction vs. rehabs, foundation issues, and mistakes to avoid when “going big”.

Want more wealth? 1) Grab my free newsletter at: GetRichEducation.com 2) For actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunities: GREturnkey.com 3) Read my new, best-selling book: GetRichEducation.com/Book Listen to this week’s show and learn:

04:18 Victor Menasce Interview begins.
06:27 Commercial financing qualification.
09:10 Refinancing your existing residential property into commercial loans.
12:06 Operating 10-plex to 12-plexes.
14:59 Corner properties.
17:18 Adding elevators and parking.
22:59 How do you afford all this?
26:55 Building your team.
33:55 Underwriters vet your Property Manager.
35:45 Foundation issues.
37:49 ROI = Return On Involvement

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