97: Assisted Living Homes Create Massive Cash Flow with Gene Guarino

Assisted Living Homes Create Massive Cash Flow with Gene Guarino

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

$10,000 of cash flow per single-family residence used as an Assisted Living Home (ALH) is typical in this business model. Demographics tell the story. Our aging population means there will be more need for senior housing. Gene Guarino of the Residential Assisted Living Academy tells us why and how to own and operate ALHs. Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and 1) Subscribe to our free newsletter, and 2) Receive Turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

01:05 Get $5,000 – $15,000 cash flow per month from one single-family home.
01:37 Upcoming guests on future shows include T. Harv Eker and Tom Wheelwright.
02:50 40 million senior citizens today will balloon to 89 million by 2050.
05:15 Single-family homes – not giant institutional complexes – are a great niche for the individual investor / businessperson.
08:09 Don’t be involved in the day-to-day operation of the ALH.
09:13 Ideal ALH location. Home size 300-500 sf per person.
13:20 No commercial kitchen. Grab bars, wide doors.
14:18 Profit & Loss Statement. $36,000 / monthly avg. income for ten private rooms in one ALH.
17:51 Owning vs. Leasing the real estate to operate your ALH.
19:43 Zoning, Licensing, Liability Insurance.
27:13 How do you find an ALH?
31:19 State-administered trainings vs. business-oriented trainings.
32:39 Financing.
37:15 Occupying your ALH with residents.
39:27 “Mom & Pop” ALHs.
42:04 Caring for others.
43:35 What does an ALH manager do?
45:00 Gene shows others how to provide ALHs with a live 3-day Training, and at RALAcademy.com

Resources Mentioned >

Resources Mentioned: RALAcademy.com CorporateDirect.com NoradaRealEstate.com RidgeLendingGroup.com GetRichEducation.com

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