264: Keith Weinhold & Grant Cardone “10X” Your Wealth

Keith Weinhold & Grant Cardone “10X” Your Wealth

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

Grant Cardone is our guest today. He’s the world’s #1 sales trainer, 10X Movement Leader, and prominent real estate investor with $1.4B AUM.

We discuss wealth mindset, and the importance of “getting known”. 

We tell you why you must embrace good debt in order to build wealth.

You start by asking yourself better questions.

What is “10X”?

I liken how your tenant pays you their income from the first 10 days of every month.

Get Grant’s take on why a house is not an asset.

I ask Grant about his physical fitness.

Bottom line: You must give your money multiple jobs. 

1) My FREE E-book and Newsletter at: GetRichEducation.com/Book

2) Your actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunity: GREturnkey.com

3) Read my best-selling paperback: getbook.at/7moneymyths

Resources Mentioned >

Resources Mentioned: Cardone Capital: CardoneCapital.com | Cardone Capital Free Book: CardoneCapital.com/Book | Mortgage Loans: RidgeLendingGroup.com | Turnkey Real Estate: NoradaRealEstate.com | eQRP: Text “QRP” to 72000 or: TotalControlFinancial.com | JWB New Construction Turnkey: NewConstructionTurnkey.com | Best Financial Education: GetRichEducation.com | Find Properties: GREturnkey.com

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