210: You Become Your Expectations

You Become Your Expectations

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

Whatever you expect of yourself is exactly what you’ll end up getting. Learn how to set up a life full of options, not obligations. If you have an undesirable job and think you can’t switch to a happier, lower-paying job, I tell you how to. How can you justify living a life where you celebrate when every week is over? I update you with an asset class price whiparound: real estate, stocks, oil, gold, interest rates, wages and unemployment. Next, I answer four of your listener questions: Should I put 15% or 20% down payment on a property? After buying ten properties, what’s next? Mistakes to avoid with the 1031 Exchange? Should I self-manage or hire professional property management? I bring you today’s show from Anchorage, AK.

Want more wealth? 1) Grab my free newsletter at: GetRichEducation.com 2) For actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunities: GREturnkey.com 3) Read my new, best-selling book: GetRichEducation.com/Book Listen to this week’s show and learn:

03:00 You Become Your Expectations.
11:02 Asset class whiparound.
12:35 15% vs. 20% down payments on income property.
17:33 After buying ten properties, what’s next?
23:12 Mistakes to avoid with the 1031 Exchange?
27:20 Self-management or Professional property management?
38:18 I’m a real estate investor first, and buy my properties from GREturnkey.com.

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