199: GRE Skeptic-Turned-Listener Dustin Jones

GRE Skeptic-Turned-Listener Dustin Jones

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

He thought this show was dumb, debt was bad. He originally listened to laugh rather than for financial education. In 2009, Get Rich Education (GRE) listener Dustin Jones suffered a personal bankruptcy as a result of high real estate commercial debt tied to properties with declining value. His goal was to be debt-free by age 40. In 2015, that all changed when he began listening to Get Rich Education. He learned that financially-free beats debt-free. Now Dustin embraces debt again by strategically turning equity into cash flow. He has $781,000 in debt, and hopes to have $1.1M to $1.2M by year-end. Isn’t that counterintuitive? It’s a fascinating story of tragedy, resilience, learning, strength, and self-belief with remarkable Michigan-based GRE listener Dustin Jones.

Want more wealth? 1) Grab my free newsletter at: GetRichEducation.com 2) For actionable turnkey real estate investing opportunities: GREturnkey.com 3) Read my new, best-selling book: GetRichEducation.com/Book Listen to this week’s show and learn:

03:47 Building a real estate portfolio in Flint, MI.
05:48 Declining property values and rent incomes.
08:46 Bankruptcies.
09:36 Calling notes due generally doesn’t happen on performing, residential loans.
12:52 Dustin thought debt was dumb.
13:56 Finding GRE in 2015 and laughing at how it first sounded like nonsense.
19:00 Applying abundant concepts.
21:33 Buying 5 properties in Houston, Memphis, and Montgomery. $1,250 cash flow.
25:46 Dustin’s other investments.
27:47 Pitfalls with providers, inspections.
32:28 Meet Dustin and I in-person Sept. 6th to 9th! Learn more at: www.GetRichEducation.com/Belize.

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