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In this book, we’ll expand your mindset & tell you simply & in plain English exactly how real estate has made more ordinary people wealthy than any other investment vehicle.


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“First off I want to thank you. You’ve opened my eyes and made me realize that there is more to life than what I first thought possible. From the initial process of becoming a police officer, the city highly suggests that you get a 401(k) and put money into it every paycheck. I began doing exactly that from the young age of 22. By that time there were already 33 podcasts that you had aired. Over the course of the next few weeks, I was hooked and could not stop listening to your brilliant words of wisdom. I immediately stopped contributing to my 401(k) and decided to start focusing on passive income via real estate. This has increased my income, unlike a 401(k) which decreased my income.”
– Phoenix O’ Rourke, Listener, San Mateo, CA