11. Inflation: How You Are Being Robbed By A Stealthy Thief

Released Dec 26, 2014

Listen to this week’s show and learn: 02:10  Spending is more fun than saving. 03:33  Don’t live below your means. 05:30  Why a “good rate of return” is not enough return for an investor. 07:18  Why millionaires will soon be poor people. 08:45  How currency inflation is invisible. 12:35  Why the stock market must hit all-time highs every day just for you to break even. 13:00  The Consumer Price Index (CPI). 14:47  Why the U.S. and most major nations want more inflation in the future. 15:55  The power of “tilting the chart”. 18:14  How you will beat inflation by understanding real estate leverage ratios.   Resources mentioned: Consumer Price Index at www.bls.gov/cpi/ keith@getricheducation.com

Inflation: How You Are Being Robbed By A Stealthy Thief

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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