89: Most Landlord-Friendly State in U.S? Little Rock, Arkansas Market Profile

Most Landlord-Friendly State in U.S? Little Rock, Arkansas Market Profile

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

Little Rock, Arkansas is the capital of what some have called “The Most Landlord-Friendly State in the U.S.” Brian Teeter and Jeremy Veldman from LittleRockTurnkey.com tell us about the market drivers, management, and properties. Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and 1) Subscribe to our free newsletter, and 2) Receive Turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

03:48 Keith made a field trip to investigate the Little Rock, AR income property market.
09:14 Market drivers – medical, finance, capital city, population growth, low cost of living, short commutes. High economic diversity.
13:47 Kiplinger’s recently rated Little Rock as the #1 Place To Live.
15:05 Employment, job growth, population growth.
16:32 Is Arkansas the most landlord-friendly state in the U.S.? 21-day eviction.
17:53 Provider’s buying criteria: neighborhood, desirable amenities, safety, property age.
21:04 Better areas, better finishes, better tenants = better investments.
21:52 Price point often $85K – $100K. Rent-to-value ratio.
23:33 Appreciation rate.
26:18 Character of renters.
30:16 Management structure.
31:45 Tenant qualification.
34:12 Extent of turnkey renovations: often new roof, HVAC and water heater. HW floor, LVP, vanities, bathrooms, etc.
40:03 Warranties. Not many Section 8 tenants in their portfolio.
43:52 Little Rock Turnkey offers tours.
44:33 LittleRockTurnkey.com | (501) 951-7100 | brian@littlerockturnkey.com

Resources Mentioned >

Resources Mentioned: Little Rock Turnkey Corporate Direct Norada Real Estate Mid South Home Buyers Get Rich Education Website Want a free GRE logo decal? Just write a podcast review. Here’s how at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android. Send: 1) A screenshot of your review. 2) Your mailing address to: Info@GetRichEducation.com for your decal.

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