77: Passive Real Estate Investing Blueprint with Marco Santarelli

Passive Real Estate Investing Blueprint with Marco Santarelli

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

“Passive” means you don’t have to work actively in real estate in order to profit. But “passive” still means “involved.” Our guest is Norada Real Estate Investments’ Marco Santarelli. Norada offers you turnkey real estate investments in multiple US markets. Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and 1) Subscribe to our free newsletter, and 2) Receive Turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

02:57 Listen to people whom were investing in real estate during the 2008 & 2009 Financial Crisis like Keith and Marco. They understand harder times.
03:28 Marco Santarelli interview begins.
08:58 Turnkey real estate defined. What to look for in a profitable passive investment.
13:40 Shortcomings of turnkey and passive real estate investing. You still need to do your due diligence.
14:35 Why Keith thinks turnkey real estate investing is in a “sweet spot” of ROI and control.
17:37 What’s your time worth? 19:41 10 Rules For Successful Real Estate Investing.
36:33 Should the turnkey seller and the property manager be in the same company?
38:31 Always get a home inspection. 41:30 Linear, cyclical and hybrid markets.
42:29 The best U.S. geographic markets today for buy-and-hold real estate investors.
43:55 Rent-To-Value ratios of 0.9% to 1.2% today.
45:00 Is turnkey RE investing too good to be true?

Resources Mentioned >

Resources: PassiveRealEstateInvesting.com – Free investor education from Marco Santarelli. NoradaRealEstate.com or call (800) 611-3060. Your Premier Source for Nationwide Turnkey Cash-Flow Investment Property. RidgeLendingGroup.com or 1-855-74-RIDGE. Call them today. Why? They specialize in income property loans & can finance up to 35 rental properties for you. Robert G. Allen’s Amazon books page GetRichEducation.com – that’s where to subscribe to our free newsletter, receive turnkey real estate webinar opportunities, and see all Events. Download the GRE Android App at Google Play to keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! Want a free GRE logo decal? We would be so grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android. Send: 1) A screenshot of your review. 2) Your mailing address to: Info@GetRichEducation.com We’ll send you a GRE logo decal.

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