64: Improving Your Reputation with Dorie Clark

Released Jan 01, 2016

How do you build and maintain your reputation? How do you get your great reputation to advance your career? How do you repair a damaged reputation? Both in-person and online, your personal brand is more important than ever. Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and 1) Subscribe to our free newsletter, and 2) Receive Turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

02:45 Why you NEED a personal brand. It’s the same as your reputation.
04:30 How you develop your brand and reputation.
06:08 What do others think about you now? How would they describe you?
09:40 Can you really change “who you are” or who you were “born to be?”
11:32 How to stand out in a meeting – before you even walk in the door!
15:21 The Wingman Strategy will make you look like a star.
19:53 Your personal brand works for you like passive income.
21:25 Your virtual reputation – Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
22:55 Improve your brand by creating content.
25:22 Your brand is more important today because you no longer work for the same company for 30 years.
27:28 Having zero online profile can be nearly as problematic for you as having a negative profile.
29:52 Trusted advisors help build your brand.

Resources Mentioned >

Resources: DorieClark.com and DorieClark.com/Join MidSouthHomeBuyers.com or call (901) 217-4663 for Top-Notch Turnkey Rental Properties. NoradaRealEstate.com or call (800) 611-3060. Your Premier Source for Nationwide Turnkey Cash-Flow Investment Property. GetRichEducation.com – that’s where to subscribe to our free newsletter, receive turnkey real estate webinar opportunities, and see all Events. Download the GRE Android App at Google Play to keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! We would be so grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android. To get a free GRE logo decal for your review, send: 1) A screenshot of your review. 2) Your mailing address to: Info@GetRichEducation.com

Improving Your Reputation with Dorie Clark

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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