49: Why Renters Keep Renting; Lowest Home Ownership Rate In 48 Years

Released Sep 18, 2015

Your ramifications from the U.S. home ownership rate plummeting to the lowest in 48 years. Current trends are explored: latest home price appreciation rate, rental vacancy rate, and how you can profit. Want more wealth? Go to MaverickInvestorGroup.com/GRE to download our most-recommended report for free. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

02:50  Upcoming Memphis real estate market visit.
04:57  The U.S. home ownership rate has plummeted to a 48-year-low of 63.4%.
06:25  Four reasons that economic forces will drive the home ownership rate even lower in the future.
09:48  U.S. median home price is now $229,400. That’s up 8% year-over-year.
11:42  Why renters stay renters, not buyers.
13:12  San Francisco.
19:58  If real estate values go down, do rents go down?
23:19  Transcending the investor psychology of markets and crowds.
25:21  Stringent lending standards means your renter can’t get a loan.
27:30  Matt Bowles appearance on the Kansas City market.

Resources Mentioned >

Resources: MidSouthHomeBuyers.com or call (901) 217-4663 for top-notch turnkey rental properties. Visit GetRichEducation.com to subscribe to our free newsletter, receive turnkey real estate webinar opportunities, and see all Events. Download the GRE Android App at Google Play to keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! We would be so grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android. To get a free GRE logo decal for your review, send: 1) A screenshot of your review. 2) Your mailing address to: Info@GetRichEducation.com

49: Why Renters Keep Renting; Lowest Home Ownership Rate In 48 Years

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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