40: Qualifying for Income Property Loans with Graham Parham

Released Jul 17, 2015

Graham Parham, Senior Mortgage Loan Officer with Highlands Residential Mortgage in Dallas, TX, tells you how to best obtain mortgage loans for investment real estate in today’s lending environment. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

03:02  Why you often want a mortgage loan, even if you can pay cash for a property.
04:35  Your downside risk of high leverage.
05:50  Loan-To-Value ratio (LTV) explanation and significance.
08:08  Last chance to invest in your own Panama coffee farm parcels at a discount.
12:38  Mortgage Banker and Mortgage Broker – what’s the difference?
14:00  Why it’s more difficult to qualify for a loan today.
18:01  The three “C”s: Credit, Capacity, Collateral. Your requirements for credit score, reserves, and down payment.
23:44  Interest rates for an investment property are higher than for a primary residence.
24:39  How long will interest rates stay low?
26:08  Are 40-year mortgages coming?
28:50  Your debt-to-income ratio (DTI).
31:26  Can foreign buyers obtain loans for U.S. property?
32:55  LLC formation for income property.
36:38  Seeking more than 10 financed properties?
37:36  How RE investors from one state can buy in a different state.
39:37  Keith’s strategies on reducing your DTI so that you can qualify for income property.
42:23  Use AirBnB income to qualify for rental property?
42:43  Home Equity Lines Of Credit (HELOCs) can help you tremendously.
44:27  Self-employment income and your loan qualification.

Resources mentioned: GrahamParham.com | (855) 326-6802 | gparham@highlandsmortgage.com MyFico.com Dodd-Frank Act InternationalCoffeeFarms.com (ICFC). One qualifies for the ICFC $1,000 discount per coffee parcel by e-mailing Coffee@GetRichEducation.com and submitting paperwork to ICFC by July 31, 2015. An additional 30 days is allowed to fund. Visit our website at GetRichEducation.com to subscribe to our free newsletter. Download the GRE Android App at Google Play and keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! We would be grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android!

Qualifying for Income Property Loans with Graham Parham

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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