301: Will You Escape From A Depression? Inflation vs. Deflation with Richard Duncan

Will You Escape From A Depression? Inflation vs. Deflation with Richard Duncan

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

Stocks, real estate, gold, oil, inflation rate, and interest rate valuations are all updated after the first half of the year.

Housing Wire tells us rents are up in: Memphis, St. Louis, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Columbus, Tampa, Cleveland, Kansas City, and Virginia Beach. I discuss where they fell.

San Francisco rents just plunged 12%.

Macroeconomist Richard Duncan of MacroWatch joins us to discuss depression chances, and inflation vs. deflation.

For a 50% subscription discount on Richard’s MacroWatch video newsletter, use Discount Code “GRE” at: RichardDuncanEconomics.com.

Fed intervention has prevented a COVID-induced economic depression (so far). We will need more to prevent depression.

Hordes of dollars can be created by the U.S. because dollars are not tied to gold. Many Americans still don’t understand this.

Recent currency creation has not caused high inflation. The Fed usually hit below their 2% inflation target.

Could consumer price deflation create asset inflation? Yes.

I describe deflation vs. inflation as a “tug of war”. 

Deflationary tugs: globalization, technology. 

Inflationary tugs: currency creation.

Bottom line: Be invested in something that pays you five ways like real estate.

Resources Mentioned >

Resources Mentioned: Richard Duncan’s MacroWatch newsletter: RichardDuncanEconomics.com | Use Discount Code “GRE” for a 50% discount. | Mortgage Loans: RidgeLendingGroup.com | QRPs: text “QRP” in ALL CAPS to 72000 or: eQRP.co | By texting “QRP” to 72000 and opting in, you will receive periodic marketing messages from eQRP Co. Message & data rates may apply. Reply “STOP” to cancel. | New Construction Turnkey Property: NewConstructionTurnkey.com | Best Financial Education: GetRichEducation.com | Top Properties & Providers: GREturnkey.com | Follow us on Instagram: @getricheducation | Keith’s personal Instagram: @keithweinhold

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