194: Apartment Building Investing In A Hot Market with Brad Sumrok

Apartment Building Investing In A Hot Market with Brad Sumrok

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

The apartment building space is hot. Unless you’re experienced, you need help from an expert that can help you navigate today’s apartment environment. Brad Sumrok, “The Apartment King”, joins us today. His apartment building students get results, closing dozens of larger apartment buildings every year. Brad began with buying a 32-unit building in 2005. Today, he provides forecasts to the apartment industry, and hosts live training events. Tens of thousands listen to his every word. But is it too late to buy apartments today? Apartment prices keep running up. Cap rates are compressed. Now, interest rates are higher. Brad tells you where to look today. I ask Brad, “What’s an underlooked apartment market or niche today?” He names exact towns. Think you can’t afford a $5 million building? Yes, you can. Brad tells you how. Learn how to outbid others when there are multiple offers for an apartment. His in-person events draw large, energetic crowds and he fills bus cavalcades with hopeful investors on apartment field trips.

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01:27 Leveraging rent increases.
04:10 Brad Sumrok Interview begins.
07:28 Is it too late to buy apartments today? Prices are higher.
09:36 Cap rate compression.
10:23 Interest rate rise.
12:06 There’s still a housing shortage.
13:24 What’s an underlooked apartment niche today?
15:23 Value-add buy-and-hold apartments.
19:23 “I can’t afford it.” Yes, you can. Here’s how.
22:38 Carried interest.
24:20 Financing.
26:04 Tenant and property character.
28:05 Multiple offers – how to outbid others.
32:13 Brad’s training events are super-popular. The next one is July 21st-22nd.

Resources Mentioned >

Resources Mentioned: Brad’s Live Event, July 21-22: BradSumrok.com | Mortgage Loans: RidgeLendingGroup.com | Cash Flow Banking: ProducersWealth.com | Apartment Investor Mastery: BradSumrok.com | Find Properties: GREturnkey.com | GRE Book: GetRichEducation.com/Book | Education: GetRichEducation.com

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