192: Avoiding Rent Control and Rent Problems

Avoiding Rent Control and Rent Problems

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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Your property can be damaged by Rent Control; so can your community. Today, you learn how to avoid it. You buy, sell, and rent your property at market value. But what happens when an outside force comes in and disrupts your “free market”? I also tell you about a major tenant problem from one of my own apartment buildings. To avoid losses, learn what clauses to put in your Lease Agreement.

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01:30 The Broken Window Fallacy.
06:42 30-year mortgages vs. 15-year mortgages.
07:53 Rent control.
20:21 A flood in my apartment. Renter’s Insurance.
24:33 Security deposit and last month’s rent.
28:10 Resort property with cash flow.

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