55: The Philosophical Investor with Gary Carmell

Released Oct 30, 2015

Gary Carmell, author of “The Philosophical Investor: Transforming Wisdom Into Wealth”, is our guest today. Gary discusses how you think about investing, interest rates, and monetary policy. Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and 1) Subscribe to our free newsletter, and 2) Receive Maverick turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

01:32  A frustrated GRE listener in the Netherlands gives programming feedback.
08:11  Most real estate is a bad investment. Maverick Investor Group’s 2015 report excerpts.
13:16  Interview: Gary Carmell, author of The Philosophical Investor: Transforming Wisdom Into Wealth.
16:21  An example of transforming wisdom into wealth.
17:43  Investors get discouraged at exactly the time they should be buying.
19:56  In investing, discipline and courage often trump hard work and intelligence.
21:53  “The Munger Moment.”
24:00  You never know when a market is at the high or the low.
24:59  Real estate investing is a game of attrition.
27:18  Does Gary see a better investment class than Keith’s preferred investment?
30:14  Why institutional RE investor groups buy low yield, Class A properties.
32:46  Cap rates. Recency bias. Interest rates.
34:48  Inflation vs. Deflation.
37:08  Demographics. An aging population’s effect on world economies.
39:14  QE vs. interest rate hikes. 40:19  LIBOR and variable interest rate loans for real estate.
44:24  Arbitrage creation.

Resources Mentioned >

The Philosophical Investor with Gary Carmell

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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