50: Keith Weinhold | Don’t Quit Your Day Dream

Released Sep 25, 2015

If you don’t have a concrete day dream, then how will you know what success is? How do you reach your day dream? What must you avoid to reach your day dream? Want more wealth? Visit GetRichEducation.com and Subscribe to:

1) Our free newsletter, and 2) Maverick turnkey RE webinar opportunities. Listen to this week’s show and learn:

01:02  When you own enough cash flowing rental units, you are financially free. What’s your number?
03:18  Goals vs. Dreams.
10:04  One big key to reaching your day dream and what you must avoid.
14:24  Leverage, abundant thought.
17:30  The #1 question that you need to ask about an investment.
19:44  Employer-sponsored retirement plans like 401(k)s are costly. You’re committing Life Deferral just to get Tax Deferral. Stop.
25:55  The exotic Panama Coffee Farm Tour is November 13 – 15th, and you’re invited! And it’s free. Come meet Keith. Send an e-mail to Coffee@GetRichEducation.com
34:20  Quit committing Life Deferral.
35:18  Dan Sullivan and the four Cs: Commitment, Courage, Capability, then finally,  Confidence.
37:52  Why be a millionaire? You already own a multi-billion dollar asset.
38:48  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Margaret Thatcher were day dreamers. Don’t quit your day dream. Live it.

Resources Mentioned >

Resources: E-mail Coffee@GetRichEducation.com to buy your cash-flowing Panama coffee farm parcels. MidSouthHomeBuyers.com or call (901) 217-4663 for top-notch turnkey rental properties. Visit GetRichEducation.com to subscribe to our free newsletter, receive turnkey real estate webinar opportunities, and see all Events. Download the GRE Android App at Google Play to keep the GRE icon right on your phone’s home screen! We would be so grateful if you wrote a review! Here’s how to write one at: iTunes, Stitcher, and Android. To get a free GRE logo decal for your review, send: 1) A screenshot of your review. 2) Your mailing address to: Info@GetRichEducation.com

Keith Weinhold | Don’t Quit Your Day Dream

by Keith Weinhold | Get Rich Education

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